Your Self Storage in the Southern Highlands

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Let's Go On A Speed Date With Tankar Self Storage Centre!


6 fun facts about Tankar Self Storage Centre.  No speed dating required!

  1. Before the business of Self Storage, Tankar planned to manufacture concrete water and building products.

  2. The name ‘Tankar’ is the abbreviation of the owners’ two daughters names – Tahnya and Kara.

  3. In 1990 the first Tankar Self Storage location opened in Mittagong, NSW Australia.

  4. A German Shepherd rescue dog named Leo was the first Tankar Self Storage mascot. We miss you!

  5. The original office location on Lot 10 Priestley Street in Mittagong was at the rear of the building.

  6. The year that each Self Storage location was build is inscribed by the builder, aka Ben, in the concrete.